Saturday, December 28, 2019

Learn How to Write a Professional News Story

Many students take journalism courses because they like to write, and many journalism courses focus on the craft of writing. But the great thing about news writing is that it follows a basic format. Learn that news story format and youll be able to write strong stories, whether youre a naturally talented writer or not. Writing Your Lede The most important part of any news story is the lede, which is the very first sentence of a news story. In it, the writer summarizes the most newsworthy points of the story in broad brushstrokes. If a lede is well-written, it will give the reader a basic idea of what the story is about, even if they skip over the rest of the story. Example: Two people died in a rowhouse fire in Northeast Philadelphia last night. Theres obviously a lot more to this story—what caused the fire? Who was killed? What was the address of the rowhouse? But from this ​lede, you get the basics: two people killed, rowhouse fire, and northeast Philadelphia. The "5 W's and the H" One way to figure out what goes into a lede is to use the five Ws and the H: who, what, where, when, why, and how. Who is the story about? What is it about? Where did it occur? And so on. Answer those questions in your lede and youll cover all your bases. Sometimes, one of those answers will be more interesting than the rest. Lets say youre writing a story about a celebrity who gets injured in a car crash. Obviously, what makes the story interesting is the fact that a celebrity is involved. A car crash in and of itself is common. So in this example, youll want to emphasize the who aspect of the story in your lede. Inverted Pyramid Format After the lede, the rest of a news story is written in the inverted pyramid format. This means that the most important information goes at the top (the beginning of the news story) and the least important details go at the bottom. We do this for several reasons. First, readers have a limited amount of time and short attention spans, so it makes sense to put the most important news at the start of the story. Second, this format allows editors to shorten stories quickly if needed. Its much easier to trim a news story if you know that the least important information is at the end. S-V-O Format Generally speaking, keep your writing tight and your stories relatively short; say what you need to say in as few words as possible. One way to do this is to follow the S-V-O format, which stands for subject-verb-object. To understand this concept, look at these two examples: She read the book. The book was read by her. The first sentence is written in the S-V-O format, meaning the subject is at the beginning, then the verb, then finished with the direct object. As a result, it is short and to the point. Plus, since the connection between the subject and the action shes taking is clear, the sentence has some life to it. You can picture a woman reading a book when you read the sentence. The second sentence, on the other hand, doesnt follow S-V-O. It is in the passive voice, so the connection between the subject and what shes doing has been severed. What youre left with is a sentence thats watery and unfocused. The second sentence is also two words longer than the first. Two words may not seem like a lot, but imagine cutting two words from every sentence in a 10-inch news article. Soon, it starts to add up. You can convey much more information using far fewer words with the S-V-O format.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - 1333 Words

My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy boasted an amazing maximalist approach that boarded on a hip hop opera symphony with lyrics that were memorable and verses that can rank as the best hip hop verses of all time. It was an album filled with legendary moments that music fans will remember for ages, and moments Kanye fan boys will yell at his concerts. This reaction by hip hop fans for My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was immediate. For Yeezus, it was different. Yeezus’ minimalistic approach threw fans and critics off due to the very left field and experimental approach he took for this album, both sonically and thematically. In spite of this, Yeezus still manages to hold up it’s quality, value, and impact in comparison to his preceding albums while becoming one of the most important hip hop albums of all time. Leading up to the release of the album, Kanye premiered the song â€Å"New Slaves† on buildings across the globe. New Slaves set the tone for the album’s assumed political thematic approach, a seemingly popular decision. He outright calls out corporations stating â€Å"Fuck you and your corporations y’all can’t control me†, a line he admits may have caused the lack of promotion for â€Å"Black Skinhead†, another quasi-politically driven song that was composed to be a radio smash hit. Both of these songs on their own are fantastic. They’re not only well inspired politically driven hip hop songs, they’re arena anthems with ‘Black Skinhead† bordering on punk rock. â€Å"Middle america packedShow MoreRelatedA Review Of The Wests Dream?992 Words   |  4 Pagesend of â€Å"Power,† West questions in plain voice, â€Å"Are you strong enough to let power go?† The incredibly deep and wondrous record revealed a darker side of West that showed his transformation and desire to once more speak for the people and highlight dark, comedic experiences. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

HemmingwayThe Sun Also Rises Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Hemmingway-The Sun Besides Rises Essay, Research Paper In the novel The Sun Besides Rises, Ernest Hemingway describes a twosome who portion a really unusual and distant sort of love for each other. This narrative takes topographic point instantly after World War I, a clip of great adversity. This adversity consequences in a aside of values both morally and socially. The love that Brett and Jake portion is symbolic of the general diminution in values in that they tolerate behaviours in one another that would hold been antecedently considered unacceptable. It is clear that Lady Brett Ashley is anything but a lady. She is sort and Sweet but highly vulnerable to the appeal that assorted work forces in her life seem to surround her with. Brett is non happy with her life or her milieus and seeks flight and safety in the weaponries of these work forces. But her actions seem ever to stop up aching her, and she runs back to Jake. Jake knows that he will neer be able to hold her for his ain, and he accepts this as fact. This is clear when the Count asks them? why Don? T you get married, you two? ( 68 ) ? To this inquiry, they give a feeble half hearted awnser which implies that it will neer go on. He is tolerant of her behaviour because he loves her unconditionally and is willing to overlook everything she does. Jake? s willingness to digest and forgive Brett? s promiscuousness and unfaithfulness is an indicant of the skewed values of the age. It was an? anything goes? epoch right after the first war, and Jake? s message to Brett seems to be the same: anything goes every bit long as you finally come back to me. Jake is forced to accept life in this apparently awful manner for more than one ground. He a weak individual socially, but he is besides physically handicapped because of an hurt that he suffered during the war. He suffered an hurt that caused him to be castrated. The first intimation of this is when he says to Georgeette? I was hurt in the war ( 24 ) in refrence to why they can non hold physical realtions. This hurt is one that makes him insecure, but worse than that, it allows Brett to hold about complete / gt ; control over him. Jake and Brett need each other emotionally, but Brett feels that she needs more. As a consequence Jake is force to give her up. Jake? s feelings toward his friend Robert Cohn are a combination green-eyed monster, compassion, apprehension, and hatred. These are a really unusual group of feelings for a individual to hold toward one individual, but it was a really unusual clip. Jake knew of Robert? s relationship with Brett, and it ate him up with enviousness, but at the same clip he knew how it had ended. He had been close friends with Robert, and had been through a similar state of affairs with Brett, so he had both compassion and understanding for Robert? s place. The lone job was the manner Robert choose to cover with his feelings. Robert besides could non stand to see Brett with another adult male, but he expose this much otherwise. Robert? s presense bothered Jake even though they had been close friends. Robert dorsums out of a fishing trip to happen Brett, and Jake? s friend makes a remark about that being a good thing. Jake? s merely answer is? You? re darn right ( 108 ) ? . Robert makes a sap out of himself. He even beats up Jake at one point. Behavior like his was impossible for Jake to esteem and he hated this portion of Robert. None of this would hold even been a job if life during that clip had been a little more solid in a moral sense. Brett would hold non been permitted to move the manner she did, while mantaining her societal position, which clearly meant a great trade to her. She would hold had to take, and most likely her pick would hold been that of a more chaste life style. In this narrative, there is a really different manner of life from what people know today. The relationship that Jake and Brett portion is one that would look wholly unrealistic in today? s clip, but to them, it was acceptable. Jake no uncertainty would hold preferred to hold it otherwise, but he is accepting of the manner it stands. The adversity and the poorness that is so widely spread in that country during the station war clip causes the people to take down their moral criterions. Jake and Brett? s love is the perfect illustration. ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'script ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'text/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = true ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http: // ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'script ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Lord Of The FliesPsychology Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Lord Of The Flies-Psychology Essay, Research Paper In sing the assorted facets of the island society in Golding # 8217 ; s Lord of the Flies as a symbolic theoretical account of society, a converse position must besides be considered. Golding # 8217 ; s island of isolated childs so becomes a universe, wherein the island represents the single homo and the assorted characters and symbols the elements of the human mind. As such, Golding # 8217 ; s universe of kids # 8217 ; s ethical motives and actions so becomes a study of the human status, both separately and jointly. Almost text edition in their portraiture, the primary characters of Jack, Ralph and Piggy are so best interpreted as Freud # 8217 ; s really constructs of Idaho, self-importance and superego, severally. As the Idaho of the island, Jack # 8217 ; s actions are the most blatantly driven by animalistically predatory satisfaction demands. In detecting the bang of the Hunt, his pleasance thrust is emphasized, purported by Freud to be the basic human demand to be gratifie d. We will write a custom essay sample on Lord Of The FliesPsychology Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In much the same manner, Golding # 8217 ; s portraiture of a Hunt as a colza, with the male childs hungrily leaping atop the hog and brutalising it, alludes to Freud # 8217 ; s footing of the pleasance thrust in the libido, the term functioning a dual Lntendre in its psychodynamic and physically animal sense. Jack # 8217 ; s unwillingness to admit the conch as the beginning of centrality on the island and Ralph as the place of power is consistent with the portraiture of his peculiar ego. Freud besides linked the Idaho to what he called the destructive thrust, the aggressiveness of self-ruin. Jack # 8217 ; s antithetical deficiency of compassion for nature, for others, and finally for himself is exhaustively evidenced in his gratuitous hunting, his function in the barbarous slayings of Simon and Piggy, and eventually in his combustion of the full island, even at the cost of his ain life. In much the same manner, Piggy # 8217 ; s demeanour and really character links him to the superego, the scruples factor in Freud # 8217 ; s theoretical account of the mind. Golding Markss Piggy with the differentiation of being more intellectually mature than the others, branding him with a connexion to a higher authorization: the outside universe. It is because the superego is dependent on outside sup port that Piggy fares the worst out of the three major characters in the isolation of the island. Piggy is described as being more socially compatible with grownups, and carries himself with a sense of principle and aim that frequently serves as Ralph # 8217 ; s moral compass in crisis ; although Ralph ab initio uses the conch to name the others, it is Piggy who possesses the cognition to blow it as a signal despite his inability to make so. Similarly, Piggy # 8217 ; s spectacless are the lone artefact of outside engineering on the island, farther indicant of his correlativity to greater moral forces. In an about Gothic vena, these same spectacless are the lone beginning of fire on the island, non merely necessary for the boys # 8217 ; deliverance, but responsible for their ultimate devastation. Therefore does fire, and similarly Piggy # 8217 ; s spectacless, go a beginning of power. Piggy # 8217 ; s ideals are those most in struggle with Jack # 8217 ; s overpowering hungriness for power and repletion. It is in between these representations of pandemonium and order that Ral ph falls. Golding # 8217 ; s word picture of Ralph as leader is correspondent to Freud # 8217 ; s arrangement of the self-importance at the centre of the mind. Ralph performs as the island # 8217 ; s self-importance as he must countervail the natural desires of the Idaho with the environment utilizing the superego as a equilibrating tool. This definition is consistent with Ralph # 8217 ; s actions, sponsoring Jack # 8217 ; s wish to run with their corporate demand to be rescued, frequently turning to Piggy for advice. Initially, in the comparative harmoniousness of the island society # 8217 ; s early outgrowth, Ralph is able to equilibrate the opposing Idaho and superego influences in order to hammer a intent: deliverance. It is merely as the balance devolves that the destiny of the island # 8217 ; s dwellers is in darkness determined. Among Ralph, Piggy and Jack exists a changeless battle to asseverate their peculiar visions over the island. As the authorization of leading b y default falls to Ralph, the conch so becomes symbolic of the consciousness. Its ownership rotates between Ralph and Piggy in order to find logical classs of action for the male childs. Jack nevertheless, invariably eschews the authorization of the conch, consistent with Freud # 8217 ; s theoretical account with the Idaho by definition staying subconscious, but to the full able to exercise influence over decision-making. Conversely, the masks and face-paints that Jack # 8217 ; s group of huntsmans come to have on are really implicative of Freud # 8217 ; s image of the subconscious. The hidden and close nature of the boys # 8217 ; faces beneath their camouflages gives them a disguise intermixing them into the background of the island leaf, doing them unperceivable to the consciousness of the ego. Their actions go by and large unnoticed, but still have great impact on the island as they kill and destroy, finally overhunting the hogs they so urgently covet. The general assembly of the island, torn between the conch and the huntsmans besides becomes symbologically valid, going a menagerie of the other major human modules, some more of import than others. In Samneric comes a sense of trueness and fraternity in the deficiency of alone individuality between the twins and their fidelity to Ralph, even when captured and brutalized by Jack # 8217 ; s huntsmans. In Roger # 8217 ; s resolved devotedness to the bloody, bloodstained spirit of the Hunt lies a ruthless ferociousness that even Jack must trust on to accomplish his dark docket. Simon # 8217 ; s loss of emotional coherency and his disclosure give him a breakability coupled with a wisdom that make him an about neurotic defect in the coherence of island society ; he is ironically the strongest and the weakest nexus of the concatenation in his alone apprehension of their state of affairs. The older male childs so are the dominant modules of the mind, variably giving allegiance to each of the three major forces of the Idaho, self-importance and superego. As the biggest, strongest and smartest on the island, they are the beginning of achievement and accomplishment, both constructive and destructive. The emotions and human qualities manifested in the â€Å"littleuns† seem about repressed in comparing, congruent with their comparative ineffectiveness. Their incubuss and uneasiness impress a sense of fright, failing and anxiousness, while allayed, still spread to even the most mature of the island to some extent. Among the multitudes of male childs, Golding interpolates other images passingly implicative of Freudian psychosexual theory. Ralph # 8217 ; s first call to come together by blowing the conch implies a mention to the neonatal unwritten province, during which Freud postulated was the first struggle between desire and self-denial within a kid. Other mentions to jobs in acquiring the younger kids to adhere to toilet etiquette for wellness concerns allude to the anal phase, which psychodynamic theory hypothesized to be a period of increased consciousness of bowel motion during the toilet-training period in yearlings. Golding notes that the younger male childs call out for their female parents instead than their male parents, suggesting at the Oedipus composite. If the abandoned male childs are representative of the facets of the human person, so the alcoholic, rich premium of the island suggest the resources available to the person. The ab initio elaborate images of abundant fruit and t he tropical Alcyone idyll give a sense of splendor suggestive of the innate apparently illimitable charity of nature, non merely on the island, but in the human psyche. The initial # 8220 ; cicatrix # 8221 ; of the boys # 8217 ; reaching on the island presents the first mark of harm to paradise, climaxing in its ultimate incineration, about suggestive of Gotterdamerhng, the combustion of fabulous Valhalla. As such, other analyses of the island as a whole must take into history the island in a greater context. Piggy # 8217 ; s comparative rational adulthood and Ralph # 8217 ; s eventual deliverance at the custodies of British naval officers are so declarative of the function the apparently absent grownup universe plays on the island. The distinction of the grownup universe to the male childs and its presumed virtuosity elevate it to a much higher degree than the mundane universe of the island. Despite a passing mention to atomic war early on in the novel, the outside universe is really much assumed to be superior in operation by both the male childs and the reader, doing it an about godly figure in the graduated table of the island as a universe. The outside universe so becomes the ultimate universe, the cosmic cognition and wisdom of God. Ralph # 8217 ; s guilt at the British officer # 8217 ; s remark about the male childs # 8217 ; being British suggests a sort of bantering penite nce, both solemn and at the same clip satirising alleged British moral high quality. Ralph and Piggy # 8217 ; s want to be rescued so becomes a signifier of religion elevated to a intension of spiritualty. The signal fire so develops into a supplication for godly redemption, pass oning to the grownup universe a wish to be rescued spiritually. It is Jack and his huntsmans that care non at all for the care for the fire, despite the fact that it is their lone means off the island. They contrast Piggy as the signal fire # 8217 ; s greatest advocate, who as superego maintains a more externalized sense of what must be done. In set uping the island as a universe of the ego, one must so analyze the mode of Golding # 8217 ; s treatise on the human status as related to the secret plan of the narrative. The beginning of the male childs on the island gives birth to the person, the # 8220 ; long cicatrix smashed into the jungle # 8221 ; suggestive of some sort of built-in human failing, possibly a sort of Original Sin. Ralph # 8217 ; s name implies the first intimation of s elf-awareness as the male childs come to understand their state of affairs and the power construction of the island between Jack, Ralph and Piggy signifiers. The resulting formative stage of the island society so indicates growing and development, non free from errors and defects in the psychodynamic of the island, but come oning. The true downward bend in the island/person so comes as Ralph loses control of Jack # 8217 ; s huntsmans and Piggy # 8217 ; s subsequent decease. Golding # 8217 ; s grounds for prosecuting this class of action in the corporate sociology of the island is problematic. While it may be a mere exciting secret plan device, it is besides really possible within the context of the universe that Golding is in fact, portraying the island as a individual in decay. Previous events including the clang and assorted untended wildfires indicate the island has suffered significant injury. Golding # 8217 ; s pick to bring forth struggle between the Idaho and the self-importance may good be diagnostic of a greater crisis for the island/person, where it is reduced to an internalized conflict between its two cardinal psychological procedures. As such, Golding # 8217 ; s culminate dramas much like a morality narrative ; out of control, the Idaho destroys the single due to its suicidal nature, go forth ing merely the self-importance to reply to a higher authorization. As such, Golding # 8217 ; s judgement on world so takes on a really slantedly ambivalent tone ; in darkness pessimistic, merely passingly delivering in its sense of morality. In his decidedly Gothic stoping in this reading of the book, reminiscent of Poe, Golding remarks sourly even on apparently virtuous human modules such as righteousness and practicality. He portrays even the supporters with a humanly flawed skew ; Piggy is weak and whining, Ralph is ineffective. In their defects and Jack # 8217 ; s cursory efforts at virtuousness, Golding creates a balanced image of the individual, where no module is to the full good or to the full evil, but capable of being used to perpetrate Acts of the Apostless of either or both.